The FAW is disgusted by the racial abuse received by players via social media after last night’s game.
Reading time - 5 mins
Written by Jason Webber - March 28, 2021
The FAW is disgusted by the racial abuse received by players via social media after last night’s game.
Racism and all forms of discriminatory behaviour are completely unacceptable and the FAW condemns it completely.
The FAW are in dialogue with South Wales Police to ensure this kind of abhorrent behaviour is reported and investigated.
The FAW joins other national associations and clubs in urging social media platforms and regulatory authorities to take stronger, more effective and more urgent action against this despicable behaviour.
Mae Cymdeithas Bêl-droed Cymru (CBDC) wedi ei ffieiddio gan y cam-drin hiliol a gafodd rai o chwaraewyr y Tîm Cenedlaethol ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol ar ôl y gêm neithiwr.
Mae hiliaeth a phob math o ymddygiad gwahaniaethol yn gwbl annerbyniol ac mae CBDC yn ei gondemnio'n llwyr.
Mae CBDC mewn trafodaeth gydag Heddlu De Cymru i sicrhau fod y math yma o ymddygiad ffiaidd yn cael ei adrodd a’i ymchwilio.
Mae CBDC yn ymuno â Chymdeithasau Cenedlaethol a chlybiau eraill i annog llwyfannau cyfryngau cymdeithasol ac awdurdodau rheoleiddio i gymryd camau cryfach, cyflymach a mwy effeithiol yn erbyn y fath ymddygiad dirmygus.